Monday, March 30, 2009

Hodgepodge of Information

blog22 I’ve been really slammed with writing lately, but I have come across several interesting blog posts that I thought I’d share here.

The first is a guest post by Veronica Heley on the So You Wanna Be Published blog regarding the need for great back cover copy (even if you’re in the manuscript-pitching stage) and some tips for writing it.

Agent Rachelle Gardner's blog discusses preparing yourself for success—what being a successful writer entails (expect a major time crunch), and questions you may want to consider to help yourself be more organized/professional in your approach.

The Mysterious Matters blog has been a treasure trove of information for mystery writers lately.  Among them: advice for writers from editors, publicists, cover designers, etc. , ten mystery characters this editor would like to see retired , and this editor's thoughts on various mystery sub-genres.

Vivian Zabel weighs in on the Make Mine Mystery blog about some pitfalls she encounters in some mystery novels. 

The Blood-Red Pencil takes on showing, not telling. 

Et in Arcaedia, Ego has been posting an interesting series, “Letters from the Query Wars.”